Results 41 to 50 of 10,946 for 'chi2 news'. 186 results match all words and 10,760 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Working with the School of Management

Working with the School of Management. We’re always looking for new ways to collaborate.

Undergraduate courses in the School of Management…

100% of 4-year Management graduates. BSc Accounting and Management is a new course and we don’t have any career data yet. ... Discover a new side to business. Learn from experts. Challenge your preconceptions.

Management meets Robin Hemingway

After graduating from the School of Management, I was accepted onto a postgraduate placement in New York.

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Management meets Jessi Frey

Because of this, so many new groups were forming, and I decided to audition for some. ... The lifestyle had been full-on and I wanted something different. So, I moved back to England, got a job, and looked for a new challenge.

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Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu

In practical sessions, our professor would always ask us ‘Would you want your decision to come out as headlines in the New York or Financial Times?’.

Thumbnail for Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu

Management meets Joy Owango

At the start of this year, I spoke at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and have been presenting worldwide every other month since.

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Shaping the function of IAAPS

Shaping the function of IAAPS. How research from our academics informed the launch of an innovative new propulsion systems facility. ... 4) journal, on the role of universities as regional anchors in developing a new cluster.

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How a top-ranked marketing MSc prepared me for a job in……

Nearly everything differed from my home country's academics and lifestyle. Having dreamed of studying abroad since high school, I was eager but cautious in this new environment.

Thumbnail for How a top-ranked marketing MSc prepared me for a job in the UK