Board of Studies (Doctoral)
We make decisions on the progression of doctoral studentships on the recommendation of Boards of Examiners.
The responsibilities and members of our teams, working groups, and committees.
We make decisions on the progression of doctoral studentships on the recommendation of Boards of Examiners.
The Doctoral College coaching network comprises of Coaches from a wide range of academic and professional services roles across the University.
We support the provision of a high-quality doctoral environment and student experience.
We provide direction and leadership for the Doctoral College and the University’s doctoral provision.
The committee that considers nominations for the Doctoral Recognition Awards.
We provide operational management for the recruitment, admission, student lifecycle and programme administration for PhDs and Professional Doctorates.
We support our various Research Council-funded Doctoral Training Entities, including Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships.
The committee that considers nominations for Excellence in Doctoral Supervision Prize.