Philip Fletcher
Senior Instrument Specialist - Electron Microscopy
Philip is the Imaging Facility leader, overseeing the electron microscopy, X-ray analysis and molecular spectroscopy instruments, providing advice and training.
We offer expert advice, assistance and training on imaging and analysis for researchers and a consultancy service for external customers.
We are available to share our imaging and analysis expertise and our aim is to support research projects within the University, as well as external projects and collaborations.
Our duties include providing our expertise to support research, managing the high-end analytical equipment at the facility, training postgraduate students and consulting with external clients.
The Imaging Facility has two scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and one transmission electron microscope (TEM). The SEMs produce high resolution images of sample surfaces, whilst the TEM images through the sample.
Philip is the Imaging Facility leader, overseeing the electron microscopy, X-ray analysis and molecular spectroscopy instruments, providing advice and training.
Diana provides advice and support for electron microscopy and spectroscopy, including image and data collection, sample preparation, and user training.
Michael manages the Bio Imaging instruments in the Imaging Facility, providing support, expert advice, and training in image and data acquisition and analysis.
Mathew leads the operation, training, and maintenance of the Mechanical Engineering-based Imaging Facility instrumentation.
Wayne is responsible for the micro-CT scanner in the Structure and Material laboratory.
Billie provides general technical support for the Imaging Facility, carrying out maintenance and sample preparation for its microscopy services.
Silvia delivers technical support to services across the Imaging Facility portfolio, with a primary responsibility for biology and microscopy.