Amy Charles
Head of ContractsResponsibility for overseeing the Research and Commercialisation Contracts team and leading complex legal and contractual negotiations when required.
Responsible for setting up and reviewing contracts between the University and external organisations for supporting research activities of staff and students.
We are responsible for delivering contracts which take into account acceptable levels of risk, while protecting academic rights to publish and use their results. You will need a contract if you are working with an external organisation to do your research. This can include charities, businesses, government bodies or other universities. We advise on:
See our:
Responsibility for overseeing the Research and Commercialisation Contracts team and leading complex legal and contractual negotiations when required.
Providing high-level legal advice for research and commercialisation contracts, with particular emphasis on strategic initiatives.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Providing assistance to the Director of Research and Innovation Services and the Department.