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University of Bath

Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing services

We provide staff with help, advice and support to effectively manage health, safety and wellbeing while you are at work.

Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing has both a strategic and operational role across all areas of the University's work activities, where these have a potential impact on health, safety and wellbeing. This means that the service is available and applicable to staff, students and contractors.

What we do

  • Provide advice, guidance and reassurance on all health, safety and employee wellbeing matters
  • Interpret and disseminate relevant legislation through policy and guidance
  • Identify and deliver health and safety training (where resources permit)
  • Manage a system for the control and use of radioactive substances and hazardous waste
  • Investigate and report on accidents and incidents to prevent reoccurrence
  • Coordinate and manage an Occupational Health service and Employee Assistance Programme
  • Liaise with the Health & Safety Executive, the Environment Agency, Police, Fire & Rescue Service and other regulatory authorities on matters of health and safety

Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing Team

  • Mrs Marcia Martin, Health & Safety Technical Officer
    Coordination of meetings, wellbeing events, Health & Safety training and database administration.
  • Mr Paul Maggs, Health & Safety Adviser
    Provision of general and specialist health and safety advice, including specialist advice relating audits, inspections, incident investigations and occupational health surveillance programmes.
  • Mr Mark Burton, Fire Safety Adviser
    Provision of specialist fire safety advice and guidance. Carrying out fire risk assessments and providing fire safety training.
  • Mrs Debbie Robarts, Scientific Safety Adviser
    Provision of general and specialist health & safety advice including specialist advice on chemical, biological and radiological safety matters.
  • Mr Russel Barlow, Hazardous Waste Manager
    Managing the hazardous waste (chemicals and other hazardous substances) service and providing specialist advice for the correct disposal of hazardous waste.
  • Ms Heather Girling, Staff Health and Wellbeing Manager
    Leading the University's staff facing health and wellbeing activities. Providing advice, guidance, support on employee wellbeing issues.
  • Mr Chris Young, Deputy Director, Workplace Safety & Wellbeing
    Strategic Health, Safety & Wellbeing management including advising the University on health and safety legislative requirements and the development of health, safety and wellbeing policy, procedures and practice.