Statistics members
We are a team of academics who work on research projects related to statistics.
Our duties include:
- teaching on our undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses
- offering research expertise across our portfolio
- supervising postgraduate students
Academic staff
- Karim Anaya-Izquierdo, Senior Lecturer
- Thomas Burnett, Lecturer
- Ilaria Bussoli, Lecturer
- Anna Daupare, Lecturer
- Emiko Dupont, Lecturer
- Evangelos Evangelou, Senior Lecturer
- Julian Faraway, Professor
- Oliver Feng, Lecturer
- James Foadi, Lecturer
- Kari Heine, Lecturer
- Merrilee Hurn, Senior Lecturer
- Chris Jennison, Professor
- Matt Nunes, Professor
- Christian Rohrbeck, Senior Lecturer
- Sandipan Roy, Senior Lecturer
- Simon Shaw, Lecturer
- Theresa Smith, Senior Lecturer
- Haiyan Zheng, Reader
Research staff
- Ensor Palacios, Research Associate
- Amandine Pierrot, Research Associate
PhD Students
- Gianluca Audone
- Chiara Boetti
- Daniel Burrows
- Neža Dvorsak
- Henry Elsom
- Aaron Fordonnell
- Josh Inoue
- Na Eun Kin
- Bharati Kumar
- Ruchen Liu
- Adeeb Mahmood
- Melina Del Angel Martinez
- Dan Miles
- Paddy O'Toole
- Sinyoung Park
- Matthew Pawley
- Sebastian Quintanilla Terminel
- Alex Rudge
- Annie Russell
- Jordan Taylor
- Xinle Tian
- Corey Voller
- Samuel Williams