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University of Bath

UNISON University of Bath Branch Committee

We represent our members at the University locally and nationally by campaigning and negotiating for better pay and conditions.

Our Branch Officers, Stewards and Health & Safety Representatives support our members in dealing with:

  • work-related disciplinary or grievance
  • concerns relating to the dignity and respect policy
  • HR related matters
  • health or safety issues
  • stress

UNISON Branch Officers 2024-25

At the AGM held in March 2024 the branch officers, stewards and health & safety representatives were elected as follows:

Branch Officers

Rob Cooper, Branch Secretary

Stephen Coles, Treasurer

Tracey Stenson Jukes, Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator and Education Co-ordinator

Stephen Nicholson, Health & Safety Officer

Laura Steen, Communications Officer (job share)

Julie Samways, Membership Officer

Rachel Willis, Welfare Officer

Alison Borgelin, Environmental Officer

Since the AGM the following members have been elected as Officers:

Kate Herman, Learning Representative


Alison Borgelin

Rob Cooper

Julie Samways

Tracey Stenson Jukes

Rachel Willis

Since the AGM the following members have been elected as Stewards:

James Evemy

Katy Halliwell

Beck Freeman

Health & Safety Representatives

Workplace Contacts

Sara Barrett, Library

Sarah Brailey, Residence Life, Campus Services

James Evemy, Facilities Services, Campus Services

Graham Howse, Campus Infrastructure

Lisa Taylor, School of Management