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University of Bath

University of Bath Unite Branch

We give advice represent the interests of members of staff and act as a link between employees and management.

Our duties include:

  • Commitment to helping members of staff
  • Acting as a link between employees and their management
  • Giving advice and representing members' interests in difficulties or disputes

Our roles:

  • Branch Officers and Committee members deal with workplace grievances that can't be resolved within your department
  • Department representatives are your first point of contact for any work-related issue
  • Health and Safety representatives advise on health and safety issues (including occupational stress)
  • University Equalities and Diversity Representatives offer confidential support for members of protected groups to make sure we are treated with dignity, respect, fairness and are free from harassment and discrimination
  • Green representatives promote initiatives to educate members and improve attitudes towards protecting the environment
  • Women's Officers advise on any related issues for female members
  • Auditors

UNITE Branch Officers and Committee members

  • Stéf Kasprowski, Branch Secretary
  • Lewis Haynes, Branch Chair
  • Tyrone Falls, Vice-Chair
  • Philip Jones, Treasurer
  • Pascal Loizeau, Equality Officer
  • Alison Humphries, Membership Secretary
  • Sacha Goodwin, Green Representative
  • Ian Clark, Pension Officer
  • Robert Brain, Retired Officer

Department representatives

  • Dean Iles, Campus Infrastructure
  • David Burrows, Campus Infrastructure
  • Tyrone Falls, Technical Services (Science and Engineering)
  • Stéf Kasprowski, Professional Services
  • April Su, Digital, Data & Technology Group (DD&T)

Health and Safety representatives

  • Simon Hockenhull, University-wide
  • Judith Brown, Engineering
  • John Payton, Campus Infrastructure

University Equalities and Diversity representative

  • Pascal Loizeau, Equality representative
  • April Su, Women representative


  • Ian Clark