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Software management policy

This policy sets out the principles for the management of software compliance within the University.


Key principles

This policy will be reviewed annually by DD&T for submission to, and ratification by, Executive.

No software product or application, to which licence conditions or Conditions of Use pertain, shall be mounted or made available on any University computer or IT system, for which a prior licence has not been procured or properly acquired or renewed.

The Conditions of Use of any such product or application shall be adhered to subsequent to the software being made available for use.

Where any such licence restricts the use of the software to a limited number of users, such limits will be strictly adhered to.

Any privately owned computer holding or having illegal or unlicensed software installed that connects to the University network shall be in breach of the University’s IT Acceptable Use Policy.

In all cases where DD&T is responsible for maintenance, acquisition, renewal or update of software products and applications it will maintain and manage appropriate Licence and Conditions of Use compliance, as far as is manually possible.

In all cases where local departments (or units) procure specialised or limited software products for local deployment, the Head of Department will be responsible for the maintenance and management of Licence and Conditions of Use compliance.

In general, site licensed software provides for use on campus by staff and students for academic, research and/or teaching and in some instances such as Microsoft, the University’s business and administration purposes. Users should verify, through DD&T, that software intended to support consultancy or other external work is permitted under the terms of the product licence. Where licence conditions restrict such anticipated use, DD&T will endeavour to identify suitable alternatives.

Individuals who have elected to be responsible for the administration of their own IT (System Administrator) shall be responsible to the Head of Department for software licence compliance in relation to that machine.

In all cases of new software requirements, or extensions to existing licenses, departments should first engage DD&T to ascertain whether any site licence or bulk discount opportunities exist before procuring at a local level.

Document control

Version number: 1
Approval date: 5 December 2007
Approved by: Executive Committee
Date of last review: 21 July 2009

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