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Online resources for mathematics and statistics

Find useful online resources for the maths and statistics in your course.

MASH on Moodle

You may already be enrolled on a MASH Moodle page which is specifically aimed at students in your department and on your programme. If you are you will find this on your Moodle dashboard when you log in.

In addition, we link to a large number of online resources for numeracy, mathematics, statistics, mathematics study skills and mathematical typesetting from our Moodle page MASH on Moodle. You can enrol yourself, without a password, and resources are arranged in sections to help you find those which are useful to you.

University formula book

The University of Bath formula book is used in some exams. You should ask your lecturer whether it will be available in your exam. If you have a University of Bath login you can bookmark, save or print your own copy of the University of Bath formula book. It is available in clear print PDF, accessible web and Word formats from two locations:

The book has been updated for the January 2019 exams, the PDF version is what will be printed, the alternative versions are auto-generated. Any issues with the book please email

You will find links to formula sheets in the information sheets, searching and software section on MASH on Moodle.

Getting started with software and programming

Our colleagues at the library provide access to some excellent online courses, including SPSS, R, Python, Excel, MATLAB and more. If you find you need support whilst working through these materials you can come along to a MASH Drop-In.

To help you get started using Excel or SPSS for statistics we have created two resources:

Maths language resources

To help you get used to the terminology used in mathematics we have created a language resource. You can use our maths language resources to help you understand commonly used terminology and acronyms in maths. Our bilingual maths dictionaries may help you translate English mathematical terms into other languages.

You will find links to more resources for language and mathematics in the mathematical language (and translations) section of MASH on Moodle.

Getting started with typing up maths

To help you get started with typing up maths we have created two resources:

You will find links to more resources for typing up maths in the working with mathematical text on a computer section of MASH on Moodle.

Learning styles and thinking modes in mathematics

To help you think about study approaches you might use for the mathematics on your course we have created the Learn Maths resource. You can use this to find out more about learning styles and thinking modes in mathematics and the different ways you might approach your studies.

You will find links to more resources for maths study skills in the study skills for mathematical topics section of MASH on Moodle.

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If you have any questions, please contact us.

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