- Statutory Bodies & Committees

The Holburne Museum Higher Education Strategy Board advises the Holburne Museum Board of Trustees and the University of Bath on developing a strategy and plan for the Museum in respect of Higher Education activities. 

Secretary to the Committee: If you would like further information about the Holburne Museum Higher Education Strategy Board, please contact Caroline Harris (ext 4141 email c.harris2@bath.ac.uk).

Membership 2012/13
Terms of office expire on 31st July in the year stated.

Professor J Millar University of Bath
Professor Neil Sammells Bath Spa University
Dr Steve Poole University of the West of England
Dr Beth Williamson University of Bristol
Professor V Hart University of Bath
Dr M Forsyth University of Bath
Mr J Struthers University of Bath

The following Officers routinely attend meetings of the Board:

Dr Alexander Sturgis Director of the Holburne Museum
Mr Mark Humphriss University Secretary

Terms of Reference
Approved by Executive Committee 18th January 2012.

  1. To advise the Holburne on its operation as a Museum within the Higher Education sector, so that it can make real contributions to, and benefit from, teaching and research at the four Higher Education Institutions within its membership.
  2. To maintain an overview of the Museum’s activities, ensuring that its mission and strategies are appropriately aligned with the institutional goals of the University of Bath, as well as supporting academic strategies at the other Higher Education Institutions within its membership.
  3. To recommend to the Holburne Trustees and the University of Bath Executive a strategy and plan for the Museum in relation to HE activities that is appropriately resourced and sustainable.
  4. To receive from the Trustees an annual report on implementation and outcome of the agreed strategy for the Museum.
  5. To consider with the Museum the co-ordination and development of arts initiatives.

Minutes of Meetings

There shall normally be two meetings of the Board each year; usually held in October/November and April/May.





Please note that the summaries and minutes of meetings of the Holburne Museum Higher Education Strategy Board published above exclude information which the University has declared will not be routinely published under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Further information about the Act (including the reasons why such information is exempt from publication) is available at http://www.bath.ac.uk/foi/faqs-staff-general.htm.  If you have any queries about business conducted by the Committee and cannot find reference to it in the summaries/minutes published here, please contact Caroline Harris (ext 4141 email c.harris2@bath.ac.uk).

Procedural Rules

Membership and Appointment of Chair: Chair appointed by the Vice-Chancellor from the University of Bath Executive. One representative from Bath Spa University, University of Bristol and University of the West of England. Three members appointed by the University of Bath broadly to reflect the range of collaboration between the University and the Museum.
The terms of office of members will normally be three years, and members may be re-appointed for a further two terms.
Co-option: Co-opted members may be appointed and serve for up to two terms.
Alternates: Representative members may have alternates, that is an individual named by the appointing body as a person who may attend in the member's place from time to time.
Quorum: The quorum for a meeting is one-third of the membership.
Rules for Voting: Voting will normally be by a show of hands. Officers in attendance and observers do not have the right to vote.
Minutes: Submitted to Executive Committee.

Other relevant links/reference material:
