On Wednesday evening, the 2014 RSC Haworth Memorial Lecture will be delivered by David Crich, Schaap Professor of Organic Chemistry at Wayne State University, Detroit, USA.

The Meeting will also include the Inaugural Buchanan Award Lecture in honour of J Grant Buchanan, a former Visiting Professorial Fellow in the Department of Chemistry here at Bath, who died two years ago on 17 April 2012, at the age of 85. Grant was a great researcher and educator, and is remembered fondly for his infectious enthusiasm, collegiality and warm humanity.

The full programme of speakers for the Meeting is available online.

Local delegates are free to attend the lectures and are also encouraged to submit posters.

There will be a number of poster prizes awarded:

  • Chem Sci Poster Prize - Sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions in Infectious Diseases (including certificate from Chemical Science)
  • Chem Comm Poster Prize – Sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing Boronic Acids in Saccharide Recognition (including certificate from Chem Comm)
  • OBC Poster Prize – Sponsored by Asynt DrySyn heating block starter kit (including certificate from OBC)

For further information about the Meeting, please contact the local Organising Committee - Tony James and Steve Bull or email: carbohydrate@bath.ac.uk