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Results 1 to 10 of 191 for 'GREAT Scholarship'. 58 results match all words and 133 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Mathematics BSc (Hons)…

It's a great way to gain valuable experience, add to your CV, make new contacts or try out a possible career path.

Management MSc…

Our graduates have a great employment record. Most go on to careers in a range of areas, start their own business or begin a PhD.

Pharmacy MPharm (Hons)…

Put your learning into practice. As a highly patient focussed profession, we put great emphasis on regular patient contact and clinical placements. ... To qualify as a registered pharmacist in Great Britain you will need to undertake a foundation year

Physics BSc (Hons)…

Develop a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of physics from subatomic to cosmological scales and expand your knowledge with specialist options.

Physics MPhys (Hons)…

Develop a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of physics from subatomic to cosmological scales and expand your knowledge with specialist options.

Criminology BSc (Hons)…

A professional placement is a great way to get insights into the career path you want; contribute to projects and services; have fun, make friends and build your professional network; and

Biology MBiol (Hons)…

It's a great way to gain valuable experience to add to your CV, try out a possible career path and even earn some money or experience a new culture.

Biology BSc (Hons)…

It's a great way to gain valuable experience to add to your CV, try out a possible career path and even earn some money or experience a new culture.

Criminology BSc (Hons)…

A professional placement is a great way to get insights into the career path you want; contribute to projects and services; have fun, make friends and build your professional network; and

Biochemistry MBiochem (Hons)…

It's a great way to gain valuable experience to add to your CV, try out a possible career path and even earn some money or experience a new culture.