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Results 1 to 10 of 15 for 'GREAT Scholarship'. 1 results match all words and 14 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Faculty of Engineering & Design

Our teaching is research led and driven by the wider needs of industry, ensuring great graduate career opportunities.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Academic Skills

We provide academic skills support and enhancement to all students.

Digital Lives

Our research group investigates how and why people and groups interact with digital technology and the psychological impact it has on their lives.

Accounting, Finance and Law Division…

Our division conducts research that spans accounting and finance and teaches across accounting, finance and law.

Centre for Motivation and Health Behaviour Change…

We focus on the study and application of motivation. We aim to understand the determinants of wellness and health, and guide behaviour-change interventions.


Find out more about how you could apply for a scholarship towards international PhD tuition fees.

Environment, Transport, and Sustainability (EnTS)……

We research the role of human behaviour in responding to the climate crisis, and reshaping our physical and social environments for a sustainable future.

International Relations Research Group…

International Relations Research Group. We bring together scholarship and curriculum on international relations as an interdisciplinary field of research.

Campus Services

From exhibitions and dinners, to celebrations and conferences, the University of Bath is a great place to hold any event, from June to mid-September.