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Results 1 to 10 of 59 for 'GREAT Scholarship'. 10 results match all words and 49 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Fulfilling a childhood dream

It’s also been a great opportunity to gain cross-cultural experience from making international friends and living in a foreign country. ... I also received great support from the School’s career service in preparing my application.

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Cost of living advice and support for students…

If you are travelling by train then you can apply for a Student Railcard for 1/3 off rail fares throughout Great Britain. ... The vast majority of retail casual staff on campus are current students and we pay great casual rates of pay; we also have a

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A year of opportunity

An experience I will never forget. My best experience has been meeting so many great and inspiring people from all around the world.

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Participating in a real-life project…

This not only helps me to apply the skills and knowledge from lectures, but also offers a great opportunity to gain industry experience and prepare for my future career. ... The University has a great reputation both nationally and internationally,

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Succeeding in Bath's international environment…

They organise regular alumni meets in London, where I live. This year, they are organising a Bath Ball, which is a great chance for alumni to network with like-minded people.

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