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Insurance Services

Accompanying travellers can be covered if their travel is necessitated by caring requirements. ... Complete the travel cover request form as soon as you book your trip.

Make a travel booking through Clarity…

From University of Bath. Make a travel booking through Clarity. Use our business travel provider Clarity for all travel and hotel bookings for staff, postgraduates and visitors.

New Business Travel and Expenses policy…

New Business Travel and Expenses policy. Evidence based approach sees new priorities for travel. ... of reducing University business travel in relation to our Net Zero Carbon commitments.

Medical photonics

Typically, light can hop between these cores as it travels along the fibre, seriously degrading image quality.

Thumbnail for Medical photonics

EE travelling abroad costs and bundles…

EE travelling abroad costs and bundles. Staff with University mobiles should inform IT purchasing before they travel. ... Out of bundle data is charged at £0.05 per MB. Global travel data is charged at £0.20 per MB.

Energy innovators

Tackling transport. How PhD projects at our Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems are aiming to make your travel more sustainable in future.

Programme & Unit Catalogues 2022/23 - University of…

Develop and demonstrate clinical competence in the medical management of team support including the planning and preparation of team travel and the application of doping infringement legislation.

Go2Book live online training sessions

Menu. Go2Book live online training sessions. Clarity are running a series of webinars for new and existing users of the booking tool Go2Book to help travel bookers make the most effective

Travelling to the city of Bath

Rail updates. Visit the websites of the main rail operators in the Bath area for the latest travel updates:. ... You can also catch the Bristol Flyer Airport Express from the airport to Bristol Temple Meads rail station to travel to Bath by train.

Thumbnail for Travelling to the city of Bath

Bus services in Bath: an update

If you don't have the First Bus app you can use their ‘Tap On, Tap Off’ system to pay for your travel. ... We fully appreciate that alternative travel to campus may not be possible or realistic for everyone.