The Campus Services team is currently collecting and recycling a large amount of student belongings that are left behind in accommodation.
Food is being sorted so students and staff can help themselves at the Community Larder.
Pots, pans and crockery are being sorted to sell at our sustainability stalls at the start of the new academic year. All the money raised at these stalls goes to charity.
Many of the items left behind also go directly to local charities.
Due to the large volume of items, we are asking if any University staff are available to help us on Tuesday 25 June, from 10am to 4pm in Polden Court.
There is no expectation to volunteer for the duration, but dropping in to help for an hour would be very much appreciated.
Refreshments will be provided.
If you are able to help, please email Liz Russell or Susanna Terruso.
Please email if you would like to help but are unable to make Tuesday 25th, as help will be required throughout the summer.