To mark this year's International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development, we'd like to remind you about our Sanctuary at Bath work and invite you to our upcoming talk Despair & Hope: Life from the perspective of a Refugee.

Student Support together with the Centre for the Study of Violence are hosting talks on two perspectives to forced migration on Wednesday 22 February.

The first speaker is doctoral student Habib Wardak. Habib provides a rare insight into the lives of refugees as he shares his powerful story of resilience, suffering and hope. Habib is a PhD student at the University of Bath, a civil society activist in his home country - Afghanistan and a refugee in the United Kingdom.

The second is by Professor Timo Kivimäki, focusing on a myth of refugees as dangers to host societies. The presentation is based on a recent study published in the Journal of Refugee Studies and it reveals that humane attitude to the plight of refugees also tends to predict lower levels of violent crime in host societies. Thus, the question of rescuing refugees from conflicts and autocratic violence is not one of balancing between humanitarian ideals and selfish security interests: humane attitude towards refugees is a good security strategy.

Watch the video below to find out more about Habib and the Sanctuary Scholarship or visit the Sanctuary at Bath webpage for more information. Reserve your spot for the event on Wednesday 22 February now using the link below.