We have recently carried out a thorough review of our HR web pages to ensure our HR resources are up-to-date and easy to find when you need them.
As well as a team by team breakdown on the main landing page, you can now search for content using the following easy to navigate sections:
- Staff recruitment: here you'll find information and resources on recruiting members of staff − from preparing to recruit through to interviewing, selection and welcoming new starters
- Starting work at Bath: this induction page is full of helpful information for those who have recently joined the University
- Working at Bath: useful information and resources for your working life, including pay and benefits, booking and taking leave, wellbeing support, our recognition schemes
- Manager resources: information for managers on supporting and developing your team, as well as tools for your own personal development
- Staff development: this page signposts the training and support to help you get started in a new role, develop your career, manage people and understand University systems
Over the coming weeks there will be additional updates − including a dedicated section for policies and procedures, and extended navigation signposting the most visited pages in each section.