In May this year it was announced that Prof Phil Allmendinger, Deputy Vice-Chancellor is leaving for a new role at the end of August. The opportunity has been taken to review the senior leadership structure in the light of other recent and planned changes. In undertaking this review we have learned lessons from the current structure and recognised areas where we need to invest more effort. Furthermore, we have sought to build on the current leadership team, ensuring that we remain adaptable in the coming months.

The current PVC(Research), Professor Sarah Hainsworth will oversee the enterprise portfolio in addition to her current role and be renamed PVC(Research and Enterprise). The current PVC(Education), Professor Julian Chaudhuri will provide leadership for our international strategy and will be renamed PVC(Education and Global). Corinne Evans, currently Director of Strategic Communications and Engagement will head our local and civic engagement and be renamed Vice President (External Relations). As a result, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor role will be advertised internally at a low FTE to undertake the responsibilities required by our constitutional documents. The Vice-Chancellor will take on some additional line management responsibilities to ensure that the senior team receive the support and attention required to deliver their portfolios.

There will be a number of more detailed changes to implement these changes, and we will publish a new organisational chart before this comes into effect on 1 September 2023. Our thanks go to colleagues who are taking on additional duties during this time of change.