Directors of Studies (Taught programmes) may be appointed in a Department or School. Appointments shall be made by the Faculty Board of Studies or by the Board of Studies for the School on the nomination of the Head of the Department or the School.
- To be responsible for the day-to-day management of a course or courses.
- To be a member of the Department Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee.
- To act as a key course contact for the Director of Teaching.
- To act as a key contact for students on the course(s).
To oversee, in collaboration with the Director of Teaching, and other colleagues, as appropriate, aspects of the delivery of the course including:
- the induction of students
- the placement and student exchanges
- requests for extensions to submission of coursework
- implementation of reasonable adjustments for disabled students
- requests for IMCs
- feedback to students
- course documentation (handbook and course specification)
- dealing with examination and assessment offences
- student representation including SSLCs and wider engagement activities
- pastoral support for students, working in close collaboration with Senior Academic Advisor and Academic Advisor, further information available from: Personal tutoring becomes academic advising
Working with the Director of Teaching to provide support for, as appropriate:
- the monitoring and review of courses
- preparation of accreditation documentation and visits
- liaison with the external examiner
- assessment, marking and feedback
- amendments to units and courses
Directors of Studies will hold office for three years and are eligible for re-appointment. The Board of Studies may terminate the appointment of a Director of Studies. A Director of Studies may resign the appointment by writing to the Board of Studies.