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Godfrey and Sue Hall Postgraduate Research Student Prize Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Godfrey and Sue Hall Postgraduate Research Student Prize Committee, including its primary responsibilities and procedural rules.

Terms Of Reference

Purpose of the committee

The Committee is a committee of Senate.

Key responsibilities

  1. To consider nominations for the annual Godfrey and Sue Hall Postgraduate Research Student Prize, creating a shortlist of up to five finalists to present their research at a dedicated event, and to award the winner.
  2. To recommend to Senate the criteria for prize nominations.
  3. To apply the prize criteria fairly and consistently, addressing unconscious bias and ensuring that decisions are consistent with equality, diversity and inclusion considerations.
  4. To approve revoking prizes to individuals where situations may arise post-award.
  5. To make an annual report to Senate on the Committee’s activity.
  6. To conduct a biennial effectiveness review.

Reporting relationships

The Godfrey and Sue Hall Postgraduate Research Student Prize Committee reports to Senate after every meeting with a written report.

Procedural rules

Meeting frequency: The Committee meets once a year and attends a finalist presentation event.

Quorum: The quorum for meetings shall be one third of the membership.


Ex Officio Members

Appointed Members

The terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.

  • Dr Janet Bultitude, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Representative, appointed by the VC and reported to Senate, term of office 2026
  • Dr Ian Eggleston, Faculty of Science Representative, appointed by the VC and reported to Senate, term of office 2025
  • Dr Tristan Kershaw, Faculty of Engineering & Design Representative, appointed by the VC and reported to Senate, term of office 2025
  • Dr Soheil Davari, School of Management Representative, appointed by the VC and reported to Senate, term of office 2025

In Attendance

The Chair of this Committee is a Pro-Vice-Chancellor or a nominee. There are 4 members of academic staff, one from each faculty and the School of Management.

All new members are subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, which shall be reported to Senate.

Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.

Members serve terms of three years at a time. Members can serve two consecutive terms (a total of six years) but in exceptional circumstances may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms (a total of nine years). All terms are subject to renewal.

Version information

Owner: Godfrey and Sue Hall Postgraduate Research Student Prize Committee
Version number: 3
Approval Date: 5 December 1990, updated 8 June 2022 and 19 April 2023
Approved By: Senate
Date of last review: 19 April 2023


Read more about the Godfrey and Sue Hall Postgraduate Research Student Prize.


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