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Thinking critically and writing critically: for the social sciences (November)

Find out more about how to develop the thinking and writing skills expected of you as an academic in your field

  • 21 Nov 2018, 1.30pm to 21 Nov 2018, 4.45pm GMT
  • Room to be confirmed, University of Bath
  • This event is free

The course is applicable to students writing their confirmation report, doctoral thesis or a research paper. It is best attended after How best to read a research paper, but this is not obligatory. A similar course was previously called Critical writing.

About the workshop

Thinking critically is essential for your research. Writing critically is then crucial in creating a confirmation report, doctoral thesis or a research paper. Together, thinking and writing critically are key transferable skills that you can apply to build your career, whether within or outside academia.

On this course you will consider the kinds of critical thinking associated with your discipline. You will then explore how, using evidence and reasoning, you can develop and write a convincing argument. Through the stages of the writing process – researching and planning, composing, and reviewing and editing – this course helps you develop the thinking and writing skills expected of you as an academic in your field, and beyond.

The course is run by Dr Trevor Day, a professional writer, trainer and writing coach. Trevor has helped hundreds of university students and staff to write more effectively.

Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

This workshop addresses the following RDF subdomains:

  • Knowledge base (A1): academic literacy
  • Cognitive abilities (A2): analysing, synthesising, critical thinking and evaluating
  • Creativity (A3): argument construction
  • Personal qualities (B1): integrity
  • Communication and dissemination (D2): communication methods and publication

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course you should be able, or better able, to:

  • explain the nature of critical thinking and critical writing
  • create persuasive arguments in a well-structured report, thesis or research paper
  • use evidence, reasoning and correct use of citations to strengthen your argument
  • review and edit your own and others’ writing, to strengthen its power and precision

This course complements the half-day courses - Planning and writing your doctoral thesis, How best to read a research paper, and How to write a research paper.

Book a place

Please note - if you book a place you are required to attend the whole of the session. If you are unable to commit to this, please cancel your place in plenty of time and let another student attend. Please arrive promptly to the session and remember to sign the attendance sheet.

Speaker profiles

Dr Trevor Day
Dr Trevor Day is a writing specialist, with a research and teaching background in science and social sciences. He is author of Success in Academic Writing (Palgrave Macmillan) and has written many books, research articles, review papers, and newspaper and magazine articles, in different genres.

Who should attend

Doctoral students

Booking details

Register for this event


Room to be confirmed University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom


If you have any questions, please contact us.