National league tables
League table performance is driven by the selection and weighting of a range of indicators.
There are three main national league tables that provide overall and subject rankings:
- the Complete University Guide
- the Guardian University Guide
- The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide
Much of the data for national league tables comes from HESA data returns. Typical indicators include:
- student satisfaction
- research quality
- entry standards
- graduate prospects
- good honours or 1st and 2:1 degrees awarded
- value added
- spend per student
- retention and completion rates
- student-staff ratio
International league tables
There are also a number of international league tables such as the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. International rankings usually include academic reputation and citation indicators.
Peformance and access to data
Information on our league table performance is available on the rankings and reputation webpage. For further information on league table methodologies and access to data, please contact Graham Brooks