About fingerprints
Fingerprints are automatically generated key concepts based on the available text data related to a piece of content in Pure. These concepts are displayed on the University’s Research Portal and provide a quick snapshot of the key themes/topics covered by the content. They can be used during search and filtering, and to find similar researcher profiles.
Fingerprints are generated using the following information in Pure:
- Research Outputs: title, subtitle and abstract; an output must have an abstract for fingerprint to be created
- Person: aggregation of information in the ‘research interests’ statement and all linked Research Outputs and Prizes
- Project: aggregation of the Project description and all linked Research Outputs and Awards
- Equipment: aggregation of Equipment description and all linked Research Outputs and Projects
- Prize: title and description
- Award: description of the Project linked to the Award
- Organisation: aggregated from all linked Research Outputs over the past five years
Adding new fingerprints
Because fingerprints are automatically generated, you cannot add new fingerprints yourself. However, you can influence what fingerprints are created somewhat by highlighting the key concepts in your ‘research interests’ statement, description of your projects and the abstracts of your research outputs.
Removing fingerprints
To remove specific fingerprints:
- Open the record (Person record, Research Output, Project, Prize) in Pure.
- Click on the ‘Fingerprints’ tab (on the left).
- Hover over the concept you want to remove.
- Click on the red cross.
- Click on ‘Save’.
To switch the fingerprints off on a record:
- Open the record (Research Output, Project, Prize) in Pure.
- Click on the ‘Fingerprints’ tab (on the left).
- Click on the blue ‘On’ button and this will change to ‘Off’.
- Click on ‘Save'.
Changes to fingerprints on the research portal will be displayed shortly, you may need to refresh the portal page to see them.