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Global Citizenship Award

recognising values at the centre of our community

group of students around a table
Students working towards their award

The University of Bath is committed to equipping students with skills for the future and to promote a safe and inclusive community.

Our Global Citizenship Award gives students the opportunity to explore themes and values at the heart of our community including consent, wellbeing, anti-harassment and climate literacy.

Students that complete all four sessions with be given recognition in the form of a Global Citizenship Award as evidence of their shared commitment.

Active Consent

Active Consent is an online course about how you can keep yourself and others safe when it comes to sex and relationships at university. As well as giving you practical advice on how to give and gain consent, the training also covers how to help if a friend tells you about a sexual assault or rape. You will be invited to complete this session prior to arrival at the university.

Mental Health and Wellbeing at University

A session to reflect on mental health and wellbeing, and the importance of selfcare during your university years. We’ll think about the changes, and new challenges that being at university may bring, and discuss ways you can build your own coping strategies, whilst also making sure you’re aware of all the support and guidance that we as your university will provide.

Be The Change

In this Be the Change session you will learn how to recognise harassment and discrimination, what to do if you are witness to an incident, and find out about the support offered by the university. Harassment is #NeverOK and you can Be the Change by learning to be an Active Bystander.

Climate Literacy

The University of Bath is committed to a whole-institution response to the climate emergency. This includes equipping all students with the knowledge, skills and experience to make a meaningful change to your own life, the University and the wider community. In this highly interactive introductory workshop, you will work with other students to explore options for action, including aspects of global equity and climate justice. All attendees will have the chance to attend follow-up training in which you identify opportunities for meaningful action, make pledges for action and earn an accredited Carbon Literacy certification which you can put on your cv.


To recognise the achievement of completing the award students will be given certification as evidence for use on CV’s and future development.

How to take part

Several courses will take part in the award. If you are a student on one of those courses the sessions will appear on your academic timetable. You should attend these sessions and your award will be processed automatically.

Students not on a course involved in the award will be expected to complete Active Consent and Be the Change as part of your induction to the University. You will be directed how to do this during your induction. You can then optionally attend the Wellbeing and Climate Literacy sessions to top up to the award.

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