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Make a nomination for the Best Team in Support of Student Learning Award

Find out how to nominate someone for the award, the criteria and eligibility for entering, and the prize they could win.

How to nominate someone

Each year this award is given to a team who has demonstrated exceptional team work and collaboration to deliver an innovative and/or transformational initiative to enhance the student learning experience.

You can submit a nomination for this Award if you are:

  • a postgraduate student
  • an undergraduate student
  • a member of staff

Self nominations are not accepted.

[Submit a nomination form] to recommend a team for the Best Team in Support of Student Learning Award. Nominations for the University Teaching Awards 2024 are now closed.

Following receipt of the nomination form, the team will be contacted to confirm their willingness to progress to the next stage. At this point, the following supporting statements will be requested:

  • nominated teams will be required to produce a single statement to articulate the their contribution to the student learning experience and supporting evidence.

  • supporting statements will be requested from the nominated team’s Director of Studies or senior colleague and relevant students.

Nominations and supporting statements will be considered by the University's Awards Committee in April.


The award will be made to a team (up to a maximum of five individuals) of teaching and support staff who can evidence the delivery of an exceptional or innovative or transformational contribution to the student experience in learning and teaching in Semester 2 (2021/22) and/or during the academic year 2022/23.

Nominated teams should be able to demonstrate:

  • successful delivery of an exceptional and/or innovative contribution to the student experience with clear outputs and outcomes in relation to student learning
  • a strong rationale of why the team's work benefits the student learning experience
  • the contribution of each of the team members and/or the specific value of the collective effort in support of the enhanced student learning experience
  • evidence from student feedback and similar showing how the student learning experience has improved or is of an outstanding quality due to the collective team effort.


This award is open to all members of staff, both full and part-time, who teach or support learning.

The award will not normally be awarded to previous winners, although individual members of staff may participate in a different team in subsequent years.

Unsuccessful teams may be nominated for the award in subsequent years.

The prize

The award consists of a prize of £2,000 to be shared equally among the team.

Award winners will be announced at a joint awards event with The SU Bath Academic Rep Awards (date tbc). Following a meeting of the University's Awards Committee in April, nominees for the University Teaching Awards will be informed if they have been shortlisted to attend.

Award winners will be presented with a certificate at the summer graduation ceremonies.

The prize money will be paid through the payroll and will be subject to PAYE.

Previous winners

Find out more about our past award winners.


The University's Alumni Fund approved an application in May 2013 to provide funding to support the establishment of an annual award (for a fixed period of three academic sessions, 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16) to recognise an exceptional and innovative team work and collaboration in the delivery of learning and teaching. The establishment of this Award was approved by Senate in December 2013.

Other teaching awards

Each year the University presents a number of awards to members of staff in recognition of their outstanding contribution to teaching and learning. Find out more about our other teaching awards.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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