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Pathway to Fellowship for experienced staff

This Experiential Pathway to Fellowship enables experienced staff to gain HEA Fellowship, in recognition of their teaching, supervision and learning support.

Experiential Pathway to Fellowship for Experienced Staff

You can apply for HEA Fellowship in one of three categories. This depends on your role, amount of experience and the range of your teaching, supervision and learning support activities, as well as the reach/impact of your work :

  • Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
  • Fellow (FHEA)
  • Senior Fellow (SFHEA)

Principal Fellow (PFHEA) is currently not included in the Pathways to Fellowship for experienced staff programme. You can apply for PFHEA via an individual entry route to Advance HE . For further details and support, please contact Dr Paul Chin, PFHEA.

Which category of HEA Fellowship is right for me?

To find out if you are eligible to follow this Pathway, and to assist you in selecting the category of Fellowship that best matches your current practice, you should:

  1. Read more about the Pathway to HEA Fellowship for experienced staff
  2. Use the Fellowship Category tool
  3. Contact your Bath Pathways to Fellowship Champion

What are the benefits of achieving HEA Fellowship?

Achieving HEA Fellowship gives you:

  • recognition of your professional practice in learning and teaching
  • evidence you can use for promotion
  • an opportunity to benchmark your professional practice against the Professional Standards Framework

Once registered there are a number of support mechanisms in place to help you work towards Fellowship.

Further information

If you are an experienced member of staff and have gained Fellowship, you may wish to support colleagues undertaking this Pathway. Opportunities to get involved include:

  • becoming a Reviewer
  • becoming a Champion
  • Providing an advocate statement for colleagues to support their application.
  • becoming a Senior Observer


If you have any questions, please contact us

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