This guide for staff explains the process of timetabling arrangements for disabled students.
Timetabling takes place before information about an individual's access needs becomes available. Subsequently, data relating to this is provided by the Disability Service, and should then be disseminated by academic departments.
Department administrators, Directors of Studies & academic staff
Staff in academic departments who hold information about access requirements for disabled students must inform:
- Academic Registry of any students with access requirements so they can be allocated with the most suitable venue. It will liaise with academic departments and the Disability Service if there are difficulties in accommodating requests.
- The Disability Service of any students with access requirements regarding both centrally timetabled and department timetabled teaching spaces. It should also be notified of any students who have new or additional recommendations for access requirements, made as part of a Disability Access Plan (DAP).
Disability Service
The Disability Service will inform and advise academic departments and Academic Registry's Timetabling Co-ordinators of any:
- Individual access requirements for current students.
- Reasonable adjustments for students who cannot access teaching locations.
- Individual access requirements for pre-entry students prior to their arrival at the University.
Campus Infrastructure
The Campus Infrastructure team are responsible for:
- Coordinating the works prioritised under the access audit and can advise regarding scheduled works to buildings and rooms on campus.
- Responding to work requests for maintenance adjustments, such as altering door fittings.