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Pay and Reward

We value the commitment, achievements and talents of our workforce and recognise these contributions through a range of initiatives and benefits.

Staff benefits

Find out what benefits are available to you as a member of University staff.

Family friendly workplace

parent and child holding hands

The University is committed to providing a family friendly workplace to enable you to make the most out of your time both inside and outside of work.

Travelling to work


There are a range of initiatives available to you to help make getting to and from work easier as a member of staff.

Work-life balance

The Woodland Walks sign in the woods on the Claverton Down campus

As a University member of staff, there are a number of services available to you to promote wellbeing and improve your work-life balance.

Employee Discounts

shopping on Milsom Street in Bath

As a member of University staff, you could benefit from a variety of shopping discounts both at the University and with local, national and online retailers.


Find out about pay and pensions at the University.


We look after pensions for all staff and offer support and guidance on joining a scheme, opting out and transferring your pension when changing jobs.


Read about how we recognise and reward excellence in our staff.

Staff Recognition Awards

The Staff Recognition Awards recognise the University's Professional Services and Support staff who have demonstrated excellence in their work.

Job evaluation and job families

Find out about how we group jobs by skills and competency level, including the job families we use and how we review new or existing roles for evaluation and grading.

Job evaluation

Follow the procedure to submit a new or existing role for evaluation and grading.

Job families

Understand more about the job families across the University.

About us

Our team provides reward and recognition advice, tools and benefits to all University line managers and employees.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our pay and reward schemes or the work we do, please contact the Pay and Reward team.