Project status
In progress
Project started on 1 Jul 2022
In progress
Project started on 1 Jul 2022
Project Leader: Dr Matteo De Tina, Economics
This project, which was awarded funding by the Teaching Development Fund (TDF) Seed, aims to;
1) To introduce teachers and advanced graduate students to the rationale behind the content and pedagogy of CORE 2) To share best teaching practices and offer practical tips on designing and teaching of courses based on the pedagogy of CORE and its material, with a particular focus on: student engagement in large classes, improving students’ learning experiences in large classes, generating meaningful feedback in the case of large cohorts. 3) To discuss teaching practices using the CORE material and their relevance for curriculum design and curriculum transformation. 4) To highlight teaching innovation, in particular: e-learning tools and related software. 5) To expand the national and international network of the Department of Economics and the University of Bath
This is a two-day workshop, facilitated by the Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics (CORE) project team, focused on effective and innovative teaching of economics using the free of charge CORE online text books – The Economy, Economy, Society, and Public Policy, and Doing Economics: Empirical Projects, and the respective teaching and learning resources. This event will bring together academics from UK and around the world, with the aim of sharing good practice on how to improve students’ engagement, learning outcomes, and quality of feedback, and how these ideas could feed into the curriculum transformation in Economics.
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