About the Recognising Excellence scheme

The Recognising Excellence (RE) scheme deals with one-off payments and is managed at Department/Faculty/School level.

The awards recognise employees who have demonstrated valued contributions or achievements throughout a 12 month period, delivering excellence through:

  • consistent and valued contributions to their team and work
  • demonstrating desired attitudes and behaviours
  • completing a project or piece of work

How to nominate

As an employee

  1. Check you are eligible on our Recognising Excellence Awards webpage.
  2. Read the guidance for staff and advice on writing a nomination.
  3. Draft your nomination in word to ensure it meets the 250 word limit.
  4. Complete the online nomination form for yourself, a colleague, or a member of your team.
  5. Submit the nomination forms by the deadlines set.

As a manager

  • Recognise your team and colleagues and complete a nomination form
  • Encourage your team to recognise each other and share information on the scheme
  • Ensure fairness in distribution of awards


The deadline to make a nomination for RE is Friday 17 May 2024.

For more information, timelines for Recognising Excellence and to complete a nomination form, please refer to the Recognising Excellence Awards webpage. Please note your department may set their own deadlines for nominations to be submitted.