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Recognising Excellence Awards

Discover more about our Recognising Excellence scheme and nominate someone for an award.

Recognising Excellence (RE) awards are one-off payments or team events/activities that are awarded at department, faculty or school level. The awards recognise employees who have demonstrated valued contributions or achievements throughout a 12 month period. The scheme runs twice a year and is launched at six monthly intervals, with payments usually made in December and June (although events can happen throughout the year, up to 31 July).

The RE schemes will review the following periods

  • Semester 1: 1 August to 31 July
  • Semester 2: 1 March to 28 February

Who is eligible for the scheme

Understand the criteria for nominating someone else or yourself for an award.

  • The scheme is open to staff in grades 2 to 9, senior staff (ALC6) and professors
  • You must not be subject to any form of performance monitoring under the capability procedure or sickness absence policy, nor have received a disciplinary warning
  • You must be employed by the University at time of payment

What to consider when nominating someone for an award

The scheme recognises excellence delivered by an individual or team who have made positive contributions to their department or colleagues.

Please consider if the person you are nominating has:

  • continuously exhibited excellent behaviours or attitudes
  • provided excellent customer service
  • contributed to process improvement
  • enhanced the student experience
  • demonstrated the University's values in their work and behaviours
  • delivered or achieved an excellent piece of work or project
  • consider the effort contributed towards a piece of work or project, not just a final outcome

Team awards

Learn more about nominating a whole team for an award.

A team can be nominated for an award where a group of individuals have demonstrated significant contributions or sustained success. A team submission would need each individual to demonstrate significant contributions and sustained excellence through their own role, within the team.

If the team receives an RE award payment, the amount needs to be split so that each person is paid in line with the award amounts, per person (award amounts are detailed in the 'Award amounts' section).

For example, a team of six could receive a £1,500 award (receiving £250 each). Or a team of five could receive £500 team award, receiving £100 per person.

We are happy for departments to use discretion on how to use some of their budget to fund team events or initiatives to recognise the collective contributions of teams.

Award amounts

HODs will be able to allocate one of five award amounts for excellent performance.

  • £100
  • £250
  • £500
  • £750
  • £1,500

Please note, these amounts are given in gross pay. They are subject to the usual tax and national insurance deductions and will not be paid pro-rated.

Timeline for the RE awards

The scheme runs twice a year and is launched at six monthly intervals, with nominations accepted in Semester 1 and 2, and payments usually made in December and June.

Deadline (Semester 1) Action
27 September Spreadsheets with all eligible employees in the departments to be shared with Heads of Department. HODs to communicate the scheme to all eligible staff
28 September RE Awards launched
20 November RE Awards close (however, please adhere to any timings set by your department)
1 December Heads of Department to update their spreadsheet in SharePoint to reflect final recipients of the award and send confirmation email to
6 December Payroll to take final recipient data from SharePoint and process for payment
From 8 December Heads of Department to notify successful employees
21 December RE payment included in December payslip
Deadline (Semester 2) Action
April Spreadsheets with all eligible employees in the departments to be shared with Heads of Department. HODs to communicate the scheme to all eligible staff
15 April RE Awards launched
17 May RE Awards close (however, please adhere to any timings set by your department)
3 June Heads of Department to update their spreadsheet in SharePoint to reflect final recipients of the award and send confirmation email to
7 June Payroll to take final recipient data from SharePoint and process for payment
From 12 June Heads of Department to notify successful employees
23 June RE payment included in June payslip

The nomination process

How and when you can nominate someone for an award.

When the nominations open, your Head of Department (HOD) (this includes Directors of Administration or Technical Services where applicable) will let you know the process to follow and the timescales.

You'll need to complete a nomination form and download the guidance for staff and advice on writing a nomination.

Locally, departments facilitate decision-making and it is at the discretion of the HOD or panel to approve and award the amount they believe is most suited to the nomination.

Information for those managing awards within their departments

HoD Guidance

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the RE scheme, please contact the Reward team.