Changes for 2023/24

Schedule lecture recordings yourself

From 14 September 2023, your department will have the option to give academic staff self-service access to the 'Re:View Scheduler Tool'.

Once you have been given access to the Tool, you can schedule your timetable session(s) to be automatically recorded, instead of needing to request this through your Unit Convenor.

Simply schedule recordings at least 24 hours in advance to help make sure the recording becomes available in Re:View. You will need to move the recording to the relevant Moodle-linked folder, so that it is easily accessible within Moodle.

Getting access to the Re:View Scheduler Tool

Permission to access the Re:View Scheduler Tool is managed by your Department.

In some departments, the Unit Convenor is continuing to schedule lecture recordings for the first part of the Semester.

Desktop Recorders are no longer available for manual or ad-hoc recordings

If you have made a manual recording before, you may notice that the Desktop Recorder has been removed from all teaching rooms due to compatibility issues with the PCs and to help increase reliability of the Re:View Scheduler Tool.

If you wish to make an ad-hoc recording of a teaching session, you will need to use Teams, Zoom, or the Panopto (Re:View) Web Recorder.

Process for scheduling a recording

  1. Ensure you are either on-campus or connected to the VPN if working remotely
  2. Go to:
  3. Enter your University username and password
  4. Check the tick box next to each session to schedule the recording (or tick the 'Select All' box to select all sessions)
  5. Select 'Submit'

Things to consider

  • Once your session has been added to the Scheduler, as long as your session has your Unit Code attached to it, then the system will automatically update to reflect any timetable changes (provided it's more than 2 hours before the session). You can check whether your session has the Unit Code attached in MyTimetable - if it is already attached, there is no requirement to contact the Timetabling Unit
  • The Scheduling Tool is linked to the Timetabling system. Therefore all sessions must be in the timetable system to be selectable by the Unit Convenors
  • If you want to control the recording (edit, delete or control access) your Unit Convenor must add you to the recording section within Panopto

Useful feature

Status lights have been installed so attendees can see when a session is being recorded.

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