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Researcher development online courses

We have a series of online courses for researchers, which introduce key research and career management skills.

Online courses

Most courses are suitable for all researchers. The courses contain a mixture of videos, reading, slide shows and quizzes to check your understanding. Each course may take up to 1 to 1.5 hours to complete, but you can dip in and out and just take the sections you are interested in. Please click on the title of each course to start it. You will need to log in using your Bath username and password.

Concordat to Support Research Integrity

A mandatory course for all researchers –academic and research staff. In order to ensure compliance with the Concordat, the University has introduced an on-line learning module. The aim of this course is to raise awareness of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity and ways in which research integrity is supported at the University of Bath.

Research Ethics and Governance

This course introduces you to the key issues surrounding research ethics and governance. It will also provide you with a framework that will help you to recognise and react appropriately, through an ethical decision making process, to ethical challenges you may face during your research career.

Managing Your Research Project

The module provides a framework that offers practical help in managing a research project as well as highlighting useful management techniques.

Careers Beyond Academia

Many researchers are unaware of how highly prized their skills and expertise are by a range of employers beyond academia. In this module you will be encouraged to broaden your horizons in terms of career choices and you will gain practical tips that will help you secure your ideal job.

Careers in Academia

This module is designed for early career researchers who are interested in pursuing a career in academia.

Writing Papers for Publication

This module is designed to maximise the chances of success of publication for early career researchers writing academic papers.

Entrepreneurship 1: Are you an entrepreneur?

This course introduces you to the skills needed in entrepreneurship and shows how entrepreneurship fits into the academic life

Entrepreneurship 2: Opportunity recognition, creation & evaluation

This course aims to introduce you to the nature of entrepreneurial opportunities, spot and create opportunities, help you understand and use tools for opportunity evaluation and introduce the fundamentals of business planning.

Entrepreneurship 3: resources (people, teams, finance)

The aims of this course are to help you to think in a logical and systematic way about the resources required to start a successful new venture


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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