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Results 1 to 10 of 240 for 'chi2 news'. 10 results match all words and 230 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

The School of Management's new home

Read more about our new building and how it will transform your student experience. ... Staff welcome you to our new building and explain the thinking behind the design.

MBA programmes

Unlock your potential and push your career to new heights with the highly-ranked Bath MBA.

Join our faculty

All new junior faculty members conducting research will be assigned two mentors, one in teaching and one in research. ... Teaching fellows new to the School will be given a mentor in teaching.

Develop your leadership skills with the Help to Grow:……

Strategies for growth and innovation. Strategy and innovation. Digital transformation. Winning new markets. ... business. A place to elevate your potential. Ambition has a new home.

School of Management Applicant Visit Days…

Bath. We are looking forward to welcoming new students in the new academic year and we hope you’ll be one of them. ... Ambition has a new home. You'll also visit our new building and discover how it will transform your student experience.

Study abroad during your School of Management……

make new friends and network. ‘This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity helped me to build long-lasting connections far and wide.

Study at the School of Management on our International……

Our campus. We’ve invested over £450 million in our campus over the last decade, building new accommodation, academic buildings, and sports facilities. ... Read more about our new building and how it will transform your student experience.