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Results 1 to 10 of 174 for 'chi2 news'. 11 results match all words and 163 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Adapting to a new country and a new way of learning…

I feel more confident about myself and I have learnt to adapt to new norms, which is an important life skill'. ... welcoming and helped me to open up to making new friends and sharing my story.

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Management meets Shinarai Idrissova…

Introducing new products or services is hard! Often, there is no blueprint to follow. ... it solves a problem for our customers. new business models that are commercially viable.

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Management meets Jessi Frey

Because of this, so many new groups were forming, and I decided to audition for some. ... The lifestyle had been full-on and I wanted something different. So, I moved back to England, got a job, and looked for a new challenge.

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My journey from accountant to baking entrepreneur…

My girlfriend Nat was on furlough and wanted to learn something new to keep busy. ... We ran a pop-up bake sale and made the local news when hundreds of people queued around the streets of Bath!

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Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath……

Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath and Canada. ... Studying and meeting new people in Canada. I was privileged to spend a full semester at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.

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Management meets Robin Hemingway

After graduating from the School of Management, I was accepted onto a postgraduate placement in New York.

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Management meets Joy Owango

At the start of this year, I spoke at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and have been presenting worldwide every other month since.

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Shaping the function of IAAPS

Shaping the function of IAAPS. How research from our academics informed the launch of an innovative new propulsion systems facility. ... 4) journal, on the role of universities as regional anchors in developing a new cluster.

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Gaining a unique insight into the world of marketing…

new environment. ... I've also gained a deeper understanding of marketing strategy and campaign execution, which has given me the confidence to tackle new challenges in my future career.

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Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu

In practical sessions, our professor would always ask us ‘Would you want your decision to come out as headlines in the New York or Financial Times?’.

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