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Results 1 to 10 of 21 for 'chi2 news'. 0 results match all words and 21 results match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursary payment dates if……

Please note: As a result of the new Access and Participation Plan, payment date and structure will vary dependent on when you joined Bath. ... The early cash payment is provided to new first-year students to help with any initial costs associated with


You may also need to remove their name from any authorised signatory list and replace them with a new authoriser on systems, such as Agresso and iTrent. ... Recruiting to a vacancy. Do you need to recruit a new member of your team?

Starting your doctoral research degree

Doctoral College news. ... Joining a new programme can be exciting, but it can also be daunting and overwhelming as you will probably be trying to acquire lots of different bits of information.

Offboarding process

When starting a new job employers will require this information so that they can inform HMRC of the employee’s income and tax payments.

Start using Nimbus

You can also request a new software be set up. Applications which run too slowly on your desktop/laptop can run much quicker on Bath's supercomputers. ... Get training and support. Join our next Intro to cloud HPC training course for new users.

Thumbnail for Start using Nimbus

Wellbeing Support at the University

You’ll be introduced to ideas for changing how you approach your problems and you'll learn new skills for building resilience and wellbeing.

Thumbnail for Wellbeing Support at the University

Talking therapies at the University

In a group with other Bath students, you'll be introduced to ideas for changing how you approach your problems and you'll learn new skills for building resilience and wellbeing.

Thumbnail for Talking therapies at the University

Mental health support at the University…

You’ll be introduced to ideas for changing how you approach your problems and you'll learn new skills for building resilience and wellbeing.

Thumbnail for Mental health support at the University