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Results 1 to 10 of 696 for 'chi2 news'. 53 results match all words and 643 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Centre for Healthcare Innovation and Improvement (CHI²)…

Bath's Centre for Healthcare Innovation and Improvement is launching a new online course, to help health practitioners drive innovation at work. ... A new study from CHI has found that applying a "reverse triage" approach during periods of high demand

Strategy and Organisation Division…

We are an active group of researchers focusing on people at work and the development of the organisations they work in.

School of Management

Kick-start your career and discover a new side to business. The future is ours. ... New understanding for changing times. About us. We are one of the UK’s leading business schools.

QF & Fintech Research seminar with Stefano Giglio…

Award for Research in Investments, and his work has been featured in several news outlets, including the Economist and the New York Times.

Information, Decisions and Operations Division…

We are an influential group of researchers who publish in leading journals. Our research areas include supply chain management, cyber security and forecasting.

7th International CSR Communications Conference (CSRCOM)…

Still recovering from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are facing a harsh new reality of a rapidly warming globe, escalating social inequalities, ongoing socio-political conflict, and looming ... Others may be (inadvertently) exacerbating them.

Thumbnail for 7th International CSR Communications Conference (CSRCOM)

CGR&IS-MBS Seminar: Sandrine Labory

These challenges are also changing the conditions in which industry develops, and expediate the necessity for companies to design new and sustainable products, production processes and strategies.

The working capital credit multiplier

Abstract. We propose and analyze a new mechanism through which financial frictions can affect firms’ operations and economic activity: the working capital credit multiplier.

Does More Entrepreneurship Benefit Society?…

Focusing on community crime as a key societal outcome, we posit that initiatives fostering new venture creation through lower barriers to entrepreneurship will reduce crime. ... This mechanism is enabled through multiple channels: lowering the barriers

International virtual research seminars in finance…

Baruch College, City University of New York. 6 December - 2pm. ... Topic: "News Diffusion in Social Networks and Stock Market Reactions".

Thumbnail for International virtual research seminars in finance