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Results 1 to 10 of 106 for 'chi2 news'. 2 results match all words and 104 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

School of Management research

Our leading research contributes to a better world. It improves people's lives, supports communities and strengthens our economy.

Results that match 1 of 2 words


Directory. Find contact details, locations, news, events and other information about our departments.

Pharmacy courses

Develop your research skills by completing a research project in the department or with a partner organisation in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, or the USA.


New study suggests high-potency cannabis use between 16-18 doubles the risk of psychotic experiences from 19-24, compared to lower-potency use in young adults. ... Join our study that looks at how short periods of carbohydrate restriction impact health,

Biosciences courses

go on a placement in the UK or abroad, to gain experience, make new contacts and try out a possible career path.

Media Centre

Menu. Media Centre. Information for journalists, bloggers and online commentators including latest news, research and facts and figures from the University of Bath. ... Six universities propose new ideas for meeting net zero targets through local

Computer science courses

You’ll develop a sound knowledge base and a wide range of skills valuable to a career in the field, including learning to analyse, integrate and apply new ideas and techniques

Climate change and the University of Bath…

Six universities propose new ideas for meeting net zero targets through local collaboration. ... Read the latest news in the Climate Action Annual Report, and register to attend online event.

Mechanical engineering courses…

At Bath, we want to inspire and equip you to take on new challenges and advance mechanical engineering. ... You could be making your impact on the world by designing low-carbon vehicles, testing new materials, advancing biomedical science or developing