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Results 1 to 10 of 91 for 'chi2 news'. 3 results match all words and 88 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

School of Management research office

Contact us for:. PURE or funding queries. new starter meetings, as part of inductions.

School of Management faculty

Lecturer (Assistant Professor). Camilo researches sustainability, the role of social movements in new market development, retailing experiences, consumer behaviour, experts and influencers. ... Lecturer (Assistant Professor). Anna specialises in platforms

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Pharmacy courses

Develop your research skills by completing a research project in the department or with a partner organisation in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, or the USA.

Biosciences courses

go on a placement in the UK or abroad, to gain experience, make new contacts and try out a possible career path.

Computer science courses

You’ll develop a sound knowledge base and a wide range of skills valuable to a career in the field, including learning to analyse, integrate and apply new ideas and techniques

School of Management research associates…

We are a team of skilled postdoctoral researchers involved in a variety of research projects.

Mechanical engineering courses…

At Bath, we want to inspire and equip you to take on new challenges and advance mechanical engineering. ... You could be making your impact on the world by designing low-carbon vehicles, testing new materials, advancing biomedical science or developing

Academic Assembly

It was noted that the Chair of Academic Assembly would be notified by the Department of Human Resources of any new roles added to the Education and Research Job Family in

Chemical engineering courses…

Chemical engineering benefits society and the environment by combining science and mathematics to develop new and sustainable technologies, processes and products.