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Results 1 to 10 of 185 for 'chi2 news'. 13 results match all words and 172 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

A year of opportunity

I had never heard of Bath before and when I explored it for the first time, it was like a whole new world opened up.

Thumbnail for A year of opportunity

Career support on your School of Management MSc…

This includes:. Support for your job search in the UK. We’ll provide you with information on getting your work permit sponsored, both on the new points-based Skilled Worker visa

7th International CSR Communications Conference (CSRCOM)…

Still recovering from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are facing a harsh new reality of a rapidly warming globe, escalating social inequalities, ongoing socio-political conflict, and looming ... Others may be (inadvertently) exacerbating them.

Thumbnail for 7th International CSR Communications Conference (CSRCOM)

Spend time abroad during your School of Management degree ……

do a combination of the two. As well as developing your skills in new environments, spending time abroad gives you the chance to:. ... International Academic Exchange. An International Academic Exchange lets you study in a new environment.

Securing a job at Deloitte

I wanted a course that would let me learn new skills and knowledge in a practical and collaborative environment.

Thumbnail for Securing a job at Deloitte

Working with the School of Management…

Working with the School of Management. We’re always looking for new business partners.

Working in New York to studying in Bath…

Coming from a place like New York, it’s fair to say that they are complete opposites. ... I was looking for the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture where I could learn from a diverse group of students, inside and outside the classroom.

Thumbnail for Working in New York to studying in Bath