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Results 1 to 10 of 2,982 for 'chi2 news'. 21 results match all words and 2,961 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Healthcare innovation and improvement research…

We are also developing links with local government and industrial partners and are keen to explore new opportunities.

Thumbnail for Healthcare innovation and improvement research

CGR&IS-MBS Seminar: Sandrine Labory

These challenges are also changing the conditions in which industry develops, and expediate the necessity for companies to design new and sustainable products, production processes and strategies.

Join our faculty

All new junior faculty members conducting research will be assigned two mentors, one in teaching and one in research. ... Teaching fellows new to the School will be given a mentor in teaching.

Management meets Jessi Frey

Because of this, so many new groups were forming, and I decided to audition for some. ... The lifestyle had been full-on and I wanted something different. So, I moved back to England, got a job, and looked for a new challenge.

Thumbnail for Management meets Jessi Frey

School of Management Undergraduate Welcome Week events……

This will be a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course and to meet your new coursemates. ... Personal Tutor Meet and Greet. In this informal session, you will meet with your Academic Personal Tutor in a group with their other

Working with the School of Management

Working with the School of Management. We’re always looking for new ways to collaborate.

Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement events ……

At the same time, emerging new technologies and massive amounts of newly available data are changing the landscape of what is possible in healthcare provision. ... This six-week course explores new ways of organising health and social care services to

Thumbnail for Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement events

Management meets Joy Owango

At the start of this year, I spoke at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and have been presenting worldwide every other month since.

Thumbnail for Management meets Joy Owango

The Operational Research Society's annual conference……

It is a place where the OR community can connect, share knowledge and find new ways of tackling real-world problems. ... If you have not yet submitted a paper, please create a new account below for OR65.

Thumbnail for The Operational Research Society's annual conference - OR65