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Results 1 to 10 of 148 for 'chi2 news'. 5 results match all words and 143 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Management meets Shinarai Idrissova…

Introducing new products or services is hard! Often, there is no blueprint to follow. ... it solves a problem for our customers. new business models that are commercially viable.

Thumbnail for Management meets Shinarai Idrissova

Develop your leadership skills with the Help to Grow:……

Strategies for growth and innovation. Strategy and innovation. Digital transformation. Winning new markets. ... business. A place to elevate your potential. Ambition has a new home.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Procurement information for staff…

News and service updates. The latest news and updates from the Procurement team. ... The form you and a new supplier need to complete before they can provide products or services to the University.

David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility…

A team of researchers have magnetised gold in a process that could lead to a new generation of electronics and make computers faster, smaller and more powerful.

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