Academic Programmes Committee
We are responsible to Senate for the development of the University's portfolio of programmes and collaborative provision.
Responsible to Senate, we develop the portfolio of programmes and collaborative provision in line with the University strategy.
You can find out the full responsibilities of the committee in the terms of reference.
Find out about our meeting dates.
Find out about our Agenda deadlines for submitting papers
The terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.
Committee members
- Professor Julian Chaudhuri, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), (Chair), term of office ex officio
- Professor Steve Brammer, Dean, School of Management, term of office ex officio
- Professor Duncan Craig, Dean, Faculty of Science, term of office ex officio
- Professor Tim Ibell, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Design, term of office ex officio
- Professor Deborah Wilson, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, term of office ex officio
- Catherine Baldwin, Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions, term of office ex officio
- Vicki Mowat, Director of Marketing & Brand, term of office ex officio
- Kate Robinson, Librarian, term of office ex officio
- Martin Williams, Director of Finance, term of office ex officio
- Jo Hyde, Member of Senate elected by Senate, term of office 31 July 2027
Routine attendees
- Georgina Eggleston, Assistant Registrar (Academic Quality & Standards)
- Rachel Sheer, Director of Academic Registry
- Gavin Edwards, Chief Data & Technology Officer
- A member of Academic Registry, Secretary