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University of Bath

Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Change staff

Find out more about members of the Centre for Motivation and Health Behaviour Change.

Our responsibilities include research and teaching.


Deputy Director

Centre members

External collaborators

  • Dr Ben Ainsworth - Honorary Lecturer (University of Southampton)
  • Dylan Blain - Associate member (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)

PhD students

Students' names are followed by their PhD thesis title

  • Rosie Barnett - Exploration of digital interventions to support the self-management of axial spondyloarthritis
  • Jemima Cooper - Improving the promotion of physical activity as a treatment for depression in UK general practice
  • Sarah Dance - Developing and evaluating health interventions for lower socioeconomic status drinkers: How best to communicate public health messages
  • Kim Farrugia - Understanding the motivational mechanisms of fear-avoidance behaviours and the impact on physical activity outcomes in pregnant and postpartum women
  • Lorna Flintham - Understanding psychosocial and biological risk factors of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the human gut microbiome to inform behavioural interventions
  • Julia Groot - Engagement and Effectiveness of Digital Health Technology to Support Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Jess Harvey - Examining the impact of menstruation on adolescent physical activity behaviour and developing ways to support girls to be active during this time
  • Amy Herbert - Towards better diabetes care: How can diabetes self-management support be designed and delivered to improve uptake from patients?
  • Olivia Malkowski - Towards a precision digital intervention to promote physical activity in older adults of low socioeconomic status
  • Noah Marshall - Narrowing the Needs-Provision Gap for Young People’s Mental Health: Developing and Piloting an AI-Guided Behavioural Activation Intervention
  • Lee Mercer - Tackling the Digital Divide: Evaluating and enhancing digital health intervention readiness in low socioeconomic status populations
  • Masha Remskar - Mindfulness, movement, and mood: Understanding how digital mindfulness-based interventions can support physical activity behaviour change for people at risk of mood disorders
  • Ella Sangmyr
  • Beth Taylor - Understsanding and enhancing the physical and mental wellbeing of children by employing a 24-hour movement behaviour perspective
  • Madeleine Warmer - Applying a whole system approach to improve health behaviours and mitigate Musculoskeletal Injuries of Royal Naval and Royal Marine personnel
  • Georgina Wort - Using data-driven insights to support physical activity in primary schools
  • Lewis Youngson - Understanding disabled people’s experiences in kitesurfing

Stress, Anxiety, Resilience, and Thriving (StART) Research Group

We are closely linked with the StART Research Group.

Find out more about StART and its members