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Stress, Anxiety, Resilience, and Thriving (StART)

​​​​​​​We explore stress, anxiety, resilience, and thriving in sport and other domains – such as healthcare, the military, business, and performing arts.

What is StART?

We are a group of academics, practitioners, and students with expertise in stress, anxiety, resilience and thriving in high-pressure domains – like business and medicine. We are interested in how these constructs relate to important outcomes, such as mental health.

Our group discusses and explores research, methods and applied practice in these topics. We also publish work in leading peer-reviewed journals and present internationally.

Our work is funded by bodies such as the NIHR and ESRC. We collaborate with organisations including the UK Sports Institute, EY Lane4, and NHS hospitals.

A crowd of people cross a large pedestrian crossing in motion.

Our group

Find out more about our members.

News and research

The latest updates about our group's activities and research.

Study with us

Our members' research informs different courses taught by Bath's Department for Health. These include:

A aerial picture of the University of Bath's campus, including the lake and multiple buildings

About us

StART is part of Bath's Department for Health.

1 West University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any questions about our research, please contact us.