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University of Bath

Education Advisory Board

Education Advisory Board advises and supports the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), and reports to the Vice-Chancellor.

You can find the full responsibilities of the Board in the terms of reference, and details of agenda and paper deadlines.

2024/25 meeting dates

  • 23 September 2024
  • 18 November 2024
  • 27 January 2025
  • 24 March 2025
  • 19 May 2025
  • 7 July 2025


    • Julian Chaudhuri (Chair), Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Global)
    • Catherine Baldwin, Director of Student Recruitment & Admissions
    • Ian Blenkharn, Director of Education & Student Services
    • Chris Bonfield, Director of the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT)
    • Andrew Burrows, Associate Dean (Education), Science
    • Gail Forey, Associate Dean (Education), Humanities & Social Sciences
    • Nathalia Gjersoe, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience - Student Voice)
    • Marion Harney, Associate Dean (Education), Engineering & Design
    • Momna Hejmadi, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Enhancement) (Deputy Chair). Also an Associate Dean (International) (nominated by Internationalisation Board to end of 2027/28)
    • Zuber Lakhani, SU Postgraduate Officer
    • Kate Robinson, University Librarian (Alternate Hannah South, Head of Library Academic Services, The Library)
    • Rachel Sheer, Director of Academic Registry
    • Amber Snary, SU Education Officer
    • Helen Stringer, Director of Employability and Student Success
    • Tim Wakeley, Associate Dean (Education), School of Management
    • Chris Youles, Chief Information and Digital Officer, Digital, Data & Technology Group (DDaT). (Alternates John Gardner, Head of Business Engagement or Anna Fearn, Head IT Portfolio Management)
    • A Director of Teaching - Richard Kamm, Director of Teaching (PGT), Management (By application, to end of 2024/25)
    • A Head of Department - Polly McGuigan, Head of Department, Health (By application, to end of 2026/27)
    • Vacant - A nominated member of Senate
    • Vacant - A Director of Studies, nominated by the DoS (Taught courses) & DoT Forum

In attendance

    • Lucy Allen, Project Manager - Curriculum Transformation
    • Kate Awdry, Project Manager to the Pro-Vice-Chancellors (Education & Global and Student Experience)
    • Ryan Lucas, SU Education Manager, SU Bath
    • Emily Pollinger, Policy and Programmes Manager (Education and Student Experience)
    • Stephanie Rose, Projects Officer, Academic Registry