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University of Bath

Faculty/School Doctoral Studies Committee

Responsible to the University Doctoral Studies Committee for quality and academic standards of doctoral study within the Faculty/School.

Responsible for providing specialist advice in respect of the progression of individual doctoral students to the Board of Studies (Doctoral) and for liaising with Faculty/School Boards of Studies on matters concerning the quality and strategic direction of doctoral study at faculty level.

Full responsibilities of the committee are detailed in the terms of reference.

Committee membership


Position Term of Office
Chair, Associate Dean (Research) ex-officio
Faculty Director of Doctoral Studies ex-officio
Director of Studies for doctoral students from each of the named research programmes in the Faculty ex-officio
One student member who shall be a doctoral student elected through the SU by and from the doctoral students in the faculty


Position Term of Office
Chair - Associate Dean (Research) ex-officio
School Director of Doctoral Studies ex-officio
Director of Studies for doctoral students from each of the named research programmes in the school ex-officio
One student member who shall be a doctoral student elected through the SU and by and from the doctoral students in the school

In attendance, Faculty and School

Name Position Term of Office
Dr Rachel Arnold Academic Director of Doctoral College or nominee ex-officio
Mr Zuber Lakhani Students' Union Postgraduate Officer ex-officio