Peter Troughton Research Staff Prize Committee
The Committee awards the prize to a postdoctoral member of research staff.
You can find full responsibilities of the committee in the terms of reference.
Find out more about the prize for the best member of research staff of the year.
The terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.
Committee members
- Professor Sarah Hainsworth, Chair, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Dr Rachel Arnold, Academic Director of the Doctoral College, term of office ex-officio
- Dr Shyeni Paul, Director of Doctoral College Operations, term of office ex-officio
- Professor Joe Devine, Associate PVC Research (Doctoral), term of office ex-officio
- Professor Andrew Brown – Associate Dean (Research), School of Management, term of office ex-officio
- Professor Chris Bowen - Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Engineering & Design, term of office ex-officio
- Dr Emma Carmel - Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, term of office ex-officio
- Professor Tim Rogers - Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science, term of office ex-officio
- Dr Tess Legg - Winner of the previous year's Peter Troughton Research Staff Prize, term of office ex-officio
- Dr Lewis Topley - Chair of Research Staff Working Group, term of office ex-officio
In attendance
- Laura Andrews, Governance Partner
- Dr Despina Moschou - EDI Representative